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Shiksha Bharati will empower India by empowering the girl child in developing of her value system, culture, skills, personality and education thus enabling the emergence of a complete women. The Siksha Bharati with its country wide presence and capability to offer learner-centric, life oriented, quality education for girls, has great potential to contribute towards human resource development in general and empowerment of women in particulars.

Mission The Shiksha Bharati :

    • To provide education and training for skill up gradation and lifelong learning to girls and women belonging to underprivileged sections of the society.
    • To identify and reach out to prioritised groups viz. girls in tribal areas, rural and urban poor girls, and girls and women living in remote areas and in difficult contexts.
    • To organise awareness programmes for prevention of Foeticide and for rural development
    • To prepare and implement educational, health and skill development plans and programmes.

What is Shiksha Bharati?

The Shiksha Bharati is an organization that is devoted to the cause of empowerment of girl child. It is registered under the Indian Societies Act. It entitled to facilities and exemption under the Indian Income Tax Act 80 (G) and under the FCRA of the Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs. Objectives of Shiksha Bharati To strive for empowerment of girl child. To organize campaigns against foeticide and infanticide of girl child To prepare and operationalise plans and programmes about making rural people aware of education, health and employment opportunities that, are available under the Village Development Plans and Schemes.

Need of Women Empowerment of Girl Child with enlightenment

At the dawn of civilization when India enjoyed the position of World Leader (Vishwaguru), there was no need to organize campaigns for empowerment of women. As a matter of fact, woman was adored as Matritva Shakti (Motherhood divine). The Indian woman was a role model for women in the world. The last millennium was the period of decline of status of women in India. The reasons for this state of affairs inculed Pardah (Veil), Sati Pratha, Child Marriage and lack of education. After independence, several organizations came forward to plead for equality of women with men and mooted the slogan of “Women Empowerment” What is needed today is not simply the equality of status of woman but also her empowerment in such a manner that she regains the status of “Motherhood Divine” thereby enabling her to lead the world. Taking note of this cherished goal, the Shiksha Bharati has visualized a Perspective Plan for Empowerment of Girl Child and has started implementing it. The girld child goes thru a complete cycle. She is born, she is a baby, then a child, reaches adolescence and puberty, grows to be young women. Who should be educated, made responsible, confident and skilled and then become a mother herself. Shiksha Bharati provides her guidance and compomonship from her childhood to the time she takes on the world.
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